C. Giusti, F.D. Pacati
Nucl. Phys. A535 (1991) 573.

This is the first paper about (e,e'p) of the Pavia group.
The calculation uses: a) only 1 two-point diagram (our 2.1), b) scalar correlation functions, c) no MEC.

There are the definitions of coplanar and symmetrical kinematics and superparallel kinematics .
Calculations of 16O(e,e'2p)14C reaction.
Dependence from the choice of the optical potential (Fig.1)
Dependence from the choice of the bound s.p. wave functions (Fig.2)
Dependence from the choice of the correlation (Fig.3)
Discussion about the spurios contribution (Fig.4). This comes about because the final state wave functions are not properly normalized, as stated in pag. 583, therefore the cross section is different from zero also when there is no correlation.