Gerco Onderwater Ph. D. Thesis
C. J. G. Gerco Onderwater et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 78 (1997) 4893.
C. J. G. Gerco Onderwater et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (1998) 2213.

Experiment on 16O(e,e'2p)14C.
The first Phys. Rev. Lett. is a simple analysis of the partial waves decay channels reported also in the chapter 6th of the thesis. The second Phys. Rev. Lett. is more interesting because some cross section values have been obtained.
The cross section extraction is based on the Giusti and Pacati approach.
In sect. 2.3 it is clearly stated that cross section has been obtained by averaging on 5 of the six variables.
The way how the 8-fold cross sections have been obtained is rather tricky and involved.
The cross sections are shown as a function of the missing momentum and of the scattering angle of one proton.
Comparison with calculations based upon the Giusti and Pacati approach implemented by the spectral functions obtained with the pesudo-RPA of Aalart, Dickhof and Muether.
Good agreement with the missing momentum distribution. Worse agreement with the angular distribution, in the thesis. In the P.R.L. the agreement the angular distributions has omproved but these data are not present in the thesis.

The two types of cross sections have been obtained by integrating on the two different variables. In the missing momentum dependence the angular distribution part has been averaged, while in the angular distribution the average has been done on the missing momentum.