Albert Zondervan Ph. D. Thesis
A. Zondervan et al. , N.P. A587 (1995) 697

Experiments on 12C(e,e'2N)10B.
Interesting the tables 7.3 of the thesis and 3 of the paper which give cross section values. Unfortunately in the thesis the values are given for the 9 fold cross section while in the paper for the 8 fold cross section. Problem
The angles gamma1 and gamma2 refer to the Giusti and Pacati kinematics.

gamma 1 [deg] gamma2 [deg] 9 fold x-sect 10^-13 fm^2/(MeV sr)^3 9 fold x-sect 10^-11 fm^2/(MeV^2 sr^3)
-95.0 40.0 2.8(15) 6(3)
-111.0 40.0 3.0(15) 3(2)
-123.0 75.0 4(3) 1(7)
-135.0 40.0 3(3) 11(3)