M. Bianco, E. Gorini, A. Guida and the ATLAS Collaboration
The ATLAS RPC Data Quality Offline
M. Bianco, A. Guida and the ATLAS Collaboration
The ATLAS RPC Offline Monitoring
M. Bianco, E. Gorini, M. Primavera, F. Ricciardi, A. Ventura and the
ATLAS Collaboration
Parallel n-tuples processing with PROOF on the Lecce Public Cluster
M. Bianco, E. Gorini, M. Primavera, A. Ventura
and the ATLAS Collaboration
SUSY inclusive searches with jets, dileptons,
and high missing transverse energy with the ATLAS detector
M. Bianco, E. Gorini, M. Primavera, A. Ventura
and the ATLAS Collaboration
Muon Event Filter efficiencies of ATLAS experiment
G. Chiodini, N. Orlando, S. Spagnolo and the ATLAS Collaboration
Data driven muon identification efficiency measurement in ATLAS
with J/Psi ---> mu+ mu- decays
G. Chiodini, S. Spagnolo
and the ATLAS Collaboration
ATLAS RPC detector simulation
R. Crupi, M. Primavera, A. Ventura and the ATLAS Collaboration
Muon Event Filter Monitoring and Data Quality Assessment in the ATLAS experiment
M. Primavera, A. Ventura
and the ATLAS Collaboration
Validation of the muon High Level Trigger of the ATLAS experiment