Why this workshop...


Following the scientific success of the First Italian-Pakistani workshop on Relativistic Astrophysics held in Lecce (Italy) in the summer of 2007, a second meeting has been organized in order to make scientists of different countries meet and discuss on recent aspects of theoretical and observational Relativistic Astrophysisc.

The Second Italian-Pakistani Workshop will be in the beautiful town of Pescara as a result of the joint efforts of the Department of Physics of the University of Salento (Italy), INFN, the Centre for Advanced Mathematics and Physics of the National University of Sciences & Technology (Pakistan) and the International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Network (ICRANet).

The workshops follow the signature of an Agreement between the Department of Physics, University of Salento and the Centre for Advanced Mathematics & Physics of the National University of Sciences & Technology of Rawalpindi aiming of promoting scientific and academic cooperation between the parties. Initially the collaboration will concentrate in the area of relativistic astrophysics and that's the aim of this workshop.
Other scientists interested in these topics are also welcome to register, partecipate and give their own contribution to the Workshop.


This workshop is dedicated to the memory of John Archibald Wheeler who left on April, 2008.

Organizating Institutions:

Department of Physics and Astrophysics Group, Università del Salento, Lecce, ( Italy)

Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); Sez. di Lecce, (Italy).

Centre for Advanced Mathematics & Physics of the National University of Sciences & Technology, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

International center of Relativistic Astrophysics (ICRANet), Pescara, (Italy).



The Pakistani scientific commettee has been partially supported by

The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, (Italy).

National Centre for Physics, Islamabad, (Pakistan)


Scientific Committee:
F. De Paolis (Co-Chair), G. Ingrosso
(Università del Salento, Dipartimento di Fisica, Gruppo di Astrofisica and INFN).
A. Qadir (Co-Chair), A. Siddiqui, M.Akbar
(National University of Sciences & Technology, Rawalpindi - Pakistan)
R.Ruffini (Co-Chair)
(European Space Astronomy Center (ESAC), European Space Agency (ESA), Madrid, Spain)

Contact: info.iwra@le.infn.it
Webmaster: A.A. Nucita